Friday, April 13, 2018

Make-Up Debate

Okay, boys and girls, here's the reading:

The question you will be debating (I'll let you know which side you fall on Monday) is:

The Fall of Constantinople was not an inevitable event in European history, but rather a vicious betrayal by Western Europe.

You are welcome to conduct additional research from other sources to supplement your argument. Bear in mind, the above article does not necessarily reflect that opinion.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Erasmus Reading

Sorry for the delay! Here's the Erasmus reading for those interested in the bonus opportunity!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Additional Bonus Points

Also, thanks to Victoria Muñoz bringing this to my attention, I will be awarding 10 bonus points tokens to those who go (and can prove they went and stayed the whole time) to the following event:

Given that I know that not everyone can attend the event due to how soon it is (clashing with certain people's agendas), I will concede to awarding 5 bonus points tokens to those who can prove they at least donated the entry fee.

This is not obligatory, but it seems to me that it is for a good cause, and good causes should be rewarded.

See you all on Monday!

History Readings!

Hello, boys & girls!

Here's this weekend's readings, as promised. Remember that there is a bonus points assignment available for this reading! The requirements are as such:

A 300-500 word analytical "essay"/post about the two passages provided, providing your opinion about not just the content of the works, but also regarding their significance. Be sure to cite!

Remember, we're using a simplified MLA citation system for this one, which is: (Last Name, Page #). These citations have to be placed at the end of the paraphrased sentence/quoted text.

Here are the links to the readings: